Billing & Invoicing

Automate recurring billing
Issue hundreds to thousands of error-less invoices to multiple users subscribing your products or services on various terms and conditions.

Handle various pricing models
Bill your customers in various ways. According to multiple pricing models: flat rate, including one time charges combined with recurring fees, usage-based, tired, volume based, per user, per feature. With different frequency (i.e. weekly, monthly, annually. You name it).

Don't forget about discounts & promotions
Drive sales, signups, and upgrades by spoiling your customers with special deals. Create, manage, and track your discounts without breaking a sweat.

Control the revenue
Learn up-to-the-minute data on sales workflow and make accurate revenue forecasts on this basis. Set specific and achievable goals according to your current sales performance. Track the numbers, uncover flaws, follow-up unpaid invoices, and more.
Invoicing done the right way
Create billing profiles, set default currencies, track bill dates, and billing status. Distinguish between different charge types, ie. recurring or one time.

Ready to maximize your business potential?
Connect with one of our Business Developement Representative to discuss a custom plan tailored to your needs.